Personal Decisions for Happiness


Understand how you make decisions, avoid some common decision making errors and increase your personal happiness.



Happiness – Course Description

Anyone can improve their life and their happiness by improving the way that they make decisions. This can be achieved through understanding how you make decisions and identifying where we sometimes make incorrect choices.

It’s about your happiness:

Do you know with absolute certainty what you need to be happy in your life? Once you know exactly what you need to be happy, you can align your decisions, and all other areas of your life, in order to achieve happiness.

A practical, step by step process:

  • Learn some decision making theory.
  • Understand the problems facing decision makers.
  • Better understand how your mind works.
  • List and evaluate the choices in your decision.
  • Assistance making your choice.
  • Reviewing the choice that you’ve made.

A practical tool for life:

All the steps and lessons are implemented in a simple, decision making tool called “my decision assistant“. Exercises will help you better understand the process and the tool can be used for your current as well as any future decisions you make in your life.

  • Are you facing a tough choice right now?
  • Do you feel that you could be happier?
  • Do you get stuck assessing your options in a choice?
  • Feel that you could make better choices?
  • Are looking for a simple process to make choices in your life?

If you’ve answered yes to any of the questions above:
Then this course WILL benefit you.

What are the requirements?

  • Nothing is required except an open mind, a willingness to learn and commitment to our process.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 41 lectures and 2 hours of content!
  • Understand the decision environment
  • Understand the role your mind plays in making decisions
  • Identify and avoid common decision making mistakes
  • Have a process to make better decisions in your life

What is the target audience?

  • Anyone facing a tough choice at the moment
  • Anyone looking to improve their overall happiness in their lives
  • Anyone looking to make better choices in their lives


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